As you probably noticed by the new blog address, our plans have greatly changed over the summer. Instead of heading back to Guyana, we have a new placement in Pohnpei, Micronesia. On the 9th of September, we will depart for a multi-day plane trip through Hawaii on to Kolonia, Micronesia. We'll be teaching Science & English from mid-September through June 2008 at a secondary school in the village of Madolenihmw.
Rumor has it that there may be electricity, running water, and even internet! (We'll believe it when we see it.) In addition, the mail service is deemed to be quite reliable--2 weeks for anything under 15 lbs. Larger parcels only take 2 months (instead of 4+). Please let us know as soon as possible (especially classroom teachers/homeschoolers) if you're interested in doing penpal activities, so we work out some of the logistics early in the school year.
We enjoyed the opportunity to see so many of you this summer. The food you cooked (blueberries, moose, pig-in-the-blankets, yogurt, ice-cream etc) was a delightful reprieve from rice, rice and more rice. :) It was fun sharing with you stories of Orealla and catching up on what's going on in your lives as well.
Our hearts still long to return to our Guyanese village, but we are also looking forward to exploring the opportunities God provides in the South Pacific this year. As always, you're always welcome to come visit us, wherever we are!
We have been reminded time and time again, that regardless of location, it's the people of a town/village that make it remarkable. We'll miss you all greatly. Please stay in touch.
God bless!
Carrie and Thomas
World Teach
Carrie Vander Zwaag and Thomas Brand
P.O. Box 2378
Kolonia, Pohnpei
Federated States of Micronesia